Hueston Woods Events

Many of Ohio’s parks have wonderful events to attend as an individual or as a family. Holidays give plenty of opportunity for these events. Moreover, changes in the weather give people different activities to pursue and sites to see. Hueston Woods events center mostly on the nature and wildlife around the area of the state park.


Spring is an extraordinary time to visit Hueston Woods. Perhaps one of the most well-known Hueston Woods events in the springtime is the annual Maple Syrup Festival. Due to this taking place in March, it is important to check the weather for rain before going to the festival. The lodge provides patrons with a pancake breakfast (if interested), and then sends people on their way to learn about the maple syrup production process. Moreover, each step is seen, from tapping the sap to packaging the syrup for sale.


Many of the Hueston Woods events take place in summer, when families are most looking at vacations and students are out of school. June welcomes the annual Hueston Woods Arts and Crafts Fair. Artists from the region bring along their work to showcase to visitors. In addition, all of the work is original and very creative. Jewelry, baskets, pottery, Christmas ornaments, rugs, and engravings give the Arts and Crafts Fair a variety of work. Moreover, purchasing any of the artwork would make a great gift for those loved by patrons.

Also, it is important to keep in mind the weather of summer. If visiting to take in the great outdoors, please remember to take plenty of water. This is especially important in the case of those who will be hiking, boating, or jogging.


The Autumn, or fall, season brings forth the brilliant colors of the leaves on trees changing. As a result, many people visit Ohio state parks, including Hueston Woods, from September to November. In October, the Apple Butter Festival takes place. Farm life of the 1800s is exemplified, and visitors have the chance to see apple butter being made, from the picking of the apples to the canning of the butter.

On Thanksgiving, Hueston Woods is one of several of Ohio’s state parks that offers a full Thanksgiving buffet. A large meal is provided, and then patrons have the opportunity to visit the wonderful outdoors of Hueston Woods.


In the winter, Hueston Woods State Park invites Santa to the lodge for people to visit and enjoy a pancake breakfast with him. Also at the end of December, Hueston Woods invites guests to come to the lodge to celebrate New Year’s Eve. Music, snacks, and a midnight buffet make for an enjoyable time. Due to the timing, most people decide to rent a room at the lodge for the night.


Anytime of the year is a great time to visit Hueston Woods State Park. Hueston Woods events give plenty of opportunity for an enjoyable visit to the park. To extend the stay, consider camping at Hueston Woods. Have you ever attended any of the events mentioned in this post? If so, tell us about it in the comments below.

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